In a 4-day course hosted at the National Havurah Committee's annual Summer Institute, eight students and one facilitator explored ways in which media messages can sometimes thwart and sometimes support Jewish spiritual growth. For example, some of the course focused on how ubiquitous media messages can threaten our ability to feel gratitude for what we have and to experience true peace. However, the individuals involved in the course also discussed ways that media can support Jewish spirituality, and they worked together to create this launch page featuring some links which may support Jewish spiritual growth. The authors do not necessarily endorse all components of the Web sites listed, and they suggest that these are merely places to start rather than a comprehensive list of the "best" spiritual places on the Internet. In each category, sites are listed in alphabetical order. Please email the course facilitator to report broken links or if you have suggestions for changes. Last updated and copyright 2012. All rights reserved. |